How To Make Cats Recognize Their Mistakes

How to make cats recognize their mistakes and reflect themselves?

Cat: You are dreaming!

My friend said that his little cat was in trouble again.

He just bought the iPad for two weeks, and there are already some cracks inexplicably, after checking the camera…

cat-1Cat: “Just like the sound. It’s fun”

After falling, don’t forget to take a bite.

cat-2Gee … This iron body also could not bear ah!

When my friend took the broken iPad and asked the culprit to admit his mistake, he was still unconvinced.

cat-3“I’m not wrong!”

My friend is depressed. Other people’s cats are obviously not like this:

Looks very sincere and has a good attitude of admitting mistakes

Anxiously bowed his head, expressing regret and reflection

Even hung up a small sign of apology, hoping to alert others to his crimes.

Look, this is the attitude a kitty should have!

Cat: ??? Wake up NOW! ! !

Does the cat know what he did wrong?

In the cat’s dictionary, there are neither “I was wrong” nor the words “guilt”.

They don’t know “what is wrong” at all, and there are only “yes or no”, “want it or not” in their little heads.

In other words, they scratch the sofa, just thinking it can be scratched there. They steal your food, just feel hungry (greedy) and want to eat. They break your iPad, just feel broken and broken…

There are also some cats that will perform similar comforting behaviors. Attention is “comfort”, not “compensation”!

Because they care about your emotions, when you are “emotionally out of control”, they will comfort you in their own way, such as being cuty, being nice or give you some weird gifts.

But they obviously bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

In fact, cats never possessed the complex human emotions of “guilt”.

But this does not mean that they have no emotions. It just needs to be guided in the cognition of “right and wrong”, combined with deeper memories.

Those appearances that look like “apologies” are just responses to your current negative emotions. Hiding out is not because of “reflection”, but because you make them feel stressed. Bowing head is not because of “knowing their mistakes”, but because they are avoiding your hostile gaze…

Generally speaking, they were frightened by your anger.

Some cats will show weakness, thinking about “can’t provoke you but I can hide”; some cats are very arrogant, thinking about “How dare he. I want him to recognize the status of the family.”

Is alternative punishment useful?

“Alternative punishment” is a popular way to educate cats on the Internet.

As the name suggests, it is to find a toy to imitate the cat’s wrong behavior, and then accept punishment on its behalf.


But in fact, the kitty doesn’t understand the causality, “why did you suddenly go crazy”, and will never think of something wrong. He will also react to being “scared”, thinking “Let’s wait until he calms down.”

So many people will find that the “alternative punishment” seems to be very useful now, but it didn’t take long for the cat to perform the same trick again…

Wouldn’t it work if caught them in the act?

Some people will realize the problem of “catch them when doing bad things”, and then take some measures in time:

  • scold loudly,
  • Use a water spray to scare the cat,
  • Use noises or smells that cats don’t like to persuade them to leave.

These methods are called “disgusting stimuli”, which is a kind of error correction method, the purpose is to make cats have “unlucky” negative associations with behavior.

But there are also some problems. On the one hand, not all cats can get an lesson from the stimulation. Some cats will think “this is a game, a way of interaction”, and then they dare to…

Also, it is easy to cause a psychological trauma to the cat, accumulate greater pressure, and thus derive other behavioral problems.

cat-4“So fun!”

How should the cat be guided correctly?

More recommended is “positive training”:

✔ Understand their behavior from the perspective of cats.

✔ Reward the cat when he does the right thing.

It’s not punishment, but when the cat does the right thing, give some rewards to meet its needs.

For example, if a cat likes to scratch the sofa, you have to prepare the scratcher first, and then every time it uses the scratcher, reward it with a snack, or stroke and praise it.

Repeat it a few times, and the cat will know: Not only can the scratcher grind its claws, but it can also get snacks or compliments. It’s great too!

What should I do when I find a cat is making a mistake?

“Don’t be angry”

Then, please reflect on yourself seriously:

  • Are the things on the table unfixed?
  • Or if there are needs that have not been met, such as hungry, thirsty, bored, or in heat?
  • It may even be due to excessive stress, resulting in abnormal behavior…

After all, how can such a lovely little cat make mistakes?

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